Page name: Curves are Sexy [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-02-28 04:31:35
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Hello There!

Welcome to Curves are Sexy.

We are living in a world that only recognizes one type of beauty. We are bombarded with picture after picture of slender supermodels which is taking its toll on our attutides towards our physical appearances and our lifestyles. I myself feel it is about time someone knocked some sense into the media.

This wiki is here to promote good health for women (and men) of all shapes and sizes. To raise awareness that having the "body perfect" is not everything and sometimes isn't attractive at all! It is here to encourage a healthy, balanced diet and self respect.

There is a misconstrued definition of what "Curvy" is. Here we believe curvy is of a healthy weight, with a defined curve to the body. Which could be anything from an hourglass shape to a large chest. Its not suporting over-weight or obesity, just health and good self esteem in what is natural.


“Curvy women are more likely to live longer than their slimmer counterparts, researchers have found.”
for the full article :

The Test?

Social parts:
CAS Members- Do you agree? Well, what are you waiting for? Join the list!
CAS Banners- Add one to your house if you want :)

We love Curves!- the gallery to show off what nature gave you!
Famous Curves a gallery of all the healthy celebs. Feel free to add your own celebrity images.
The Protest Page! break free from the media's view of beauty and express yourself here.
What We're Fighting For kind of self explainitory

Dietary information:
Eating disorders- Some basic information on EDs.
FAT- Its necessary

Owner - The Amazing [Love like Winter.]
Co-Owner - The Allmighty [Dirty Lil Juggalette]

Co-Owner - [Roosey]

Got any problems or need to talk to someone about this wiki, message us.

Everyone's Different
Petition to remove ana can help join it to make a difference to EP.
Thick Chicks Rule! OMG, check it out :D
Beauty Comes In All Shapes & Sizes

[RabidSphinx] Is banned from this wiki and therefore not allowed to comment here.

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2006-12-12 [stephy.h]: Not me :P I'd prefer to have a dance off :D

2006-12-12 [Iron-wulf]: haha that could be interesting.

2006-12-12 [FireGypsy]: Hmm, I could arrange that, but I would be using fire aswel ^_^ That is MY kind of dancing hehe!

2006-12-12 [DRACE]: o.o boo ^-^

2006-12-12 [Iron-wulf]: Well as long as youre naked I think the fire would be great ;)

2006-12-12 [CRIP 4 LIFE]: i love it

2006-12-13 [887%TRU3]: hit that foo'

2006-12-13 [FireGypsy]: *dances*

2006-12-13 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: 0_o strange strange people

2006-12-13 [DRACE]: *grabs some popcorn, sits and watchs*

2006-12-13 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: *Points and laughs*

2006-12-13 [FireGypsy]: *spaces out*

2006-12-14 [DRACE]: *grabs his laptop and webcam and broadcasts [FireGypsy]'s dance over the net...*

2007-01-08 [*Suicidal Cupcake*]: Heylo! May i join this wiki because i totaly belive in what its for, im sick of all these 'skinny' people who everyone belives to be beautiful just becuase you can see there bones. Me personally have a bit of fat that i could loose, but why should it matter if someone is thin or fat. Its just the same with black and white people, its on the inside that counts.

2007-01-08 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: the wiki to add yourself on is CAS memebers...if you want i can do it for's not a password protected page though

2007-01-09 [L V F]: -pokes jess-

2007-01-09 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: *is poked*

2007-01-09 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *humps jess' leg*

2007-01-09 [L V F]: -takes jess into the bedroom and locks the door- lol kidding

2007-01-09 [DRACE]: o.o

2007-01-09 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: ...*humps back* yeah what now punk?!

2007-01-10 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: damn it!!! why you gotta enjoy that?!

2007-01-10 [Eyes of the Reaper]: lol

2007-01-10 [DRACE]: punk... punk pffft *walks away*

2007-01-10 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: ...because I'm a horny 18 year old virgin?

2007-01-11 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: ...that makes sense...*glomps*

2007-01-11 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: yes! *dodges the glomp*

2007-01-11 [L V F]: -glomps jess- -hides im my corner-

2007-01-12 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: AHHH!!! *lays on floor*

2007-01-13 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *humps jess' leg*

2007-01-14 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: *pats James head*

2007-01-14 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: ...i love you

well, i love your leg...

2007-01-14 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: ...i see how it is...*pouts*

2007-01-14 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Eep.

2007-01-14 [DRACE]: *sits and watchs people, as he eats a big choc chip cookie*

2007-01-16 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: gah! of course i love you Jess!! *tackles and clings*

2007-01-19 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: yay!!! *falls over*

2007-01-19 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Eep. Eh I say that alot..o.0

2007-01-19 [Willow Rose]: Hey, I joined here a few days ago... Can I add this wiki to "related wikis" on my Beauty Comes In All Shapes & Sizes

2007-01-19 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: yeah you can ^_^

2007-01-19 [Willow Rose]: Thanks :)

2007-01-19 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: no problem ^_^

2007-01-20 [DRACE]: ...

2007-01-20 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Yay for curves! ^_^ Eep imagine if like every girl was a stick...Ewww..

2007-01-20 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: that would be pretty gross

2007-01-20 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Extremely..But if it had always been that way most probably wouldn't think anything of it..But Eww...I'd take curves any day

2007-01-20 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: me too^_^

2007-01-20 [DeeJay™]: me three!

2007-01-20 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Yay!

2007-01-20 [Willow Rose]: [;;Melodrama Junkie] you should join my wiki ^^

2007-01-20 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: I might just do that :D

2007-01-20 [Willow Rose]: You said the magic word for the agreement of it. "Eep imagine if like every girl was a stick...Ewww.." lol :P

2007-01-20 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Lmao....Yay!

2007-01-21 [DRACE]: ... I'm in luv <img:sh-gif.gif>, don't worry, tis none of you freaks

2007-01-21 [DeeJay™]: O.O you'd better not be cheating on me, [DRACE]! <img:img/mood/5_1116262979.jpg>

2007-01-21 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: O.O

2007-01-22 [DRACE]: DJ I'm going to pay someone to remove your balls with a blunt pair of siccors if you keep saying shit like that, you and I are not, goddammit I don't swing that way... *covers [;;Melodrama Junkie]'s eyes*

2007-01-22 [DeeJay™]: hehe! neither do i, [DRACE], but your reactions are usually 1st class! <img:mood10_gif.gif>

2007-01-22 [DRACE]: *growls*

2007-01-22 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: oh man thats great

2007-01-22 [DRACE]: O.o *looks at you* why?

2007-01-22 [nothereanymore]: 11:25:21 DRACE: DJ I'm going to pay someone to remove your balls with a blunt pair of siccors if you keep saying shit like that, you and I are not, goddammit I don't swing that way... *covers [;;Melodrama Junkie]'s eyes*

Lmfao. That's cheered me up XP

2007-01-22 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: you lookin at me?!

2007-01-22 [DRACE]: lol good to help ya lol

2007-01-22 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: I feel...blinded haha

2007-01-22 [Willow Rose]: Wow... I just saw Dying to be Thin for the first time.
*shakes head* v.v

2007-01-23 [De'ladrei]: Ugh. I thought I had seen the last of that link from the last time blood nearly shot out my eatrs from viewing it.

2007-01-23 [DRACE]: O.o *goes and has a look... walks back in looking alitter green* thats just ewwwwwwwwwwwy

2007-01-23 [Willow Rose]: Well said.

2007-01-23 [DRACE]: *whimpers*

2007-01-23 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Eh. Have seen it before >< I said that the fastest way for anorexics to kill themselves and get thin at the same time in by jumping off like..tallest building in the world..Hehe..

2007-01-24 [DRACE]: o.O eh and ewww

2007-01-24 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Well its true! Well probably not but its a good theory..

2007-01-25 [DRACE]: ... you didn't pass preschool did you

2007-01-25 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: don't be a dick

2007-01-25 [L V F]: -pokes drace and keikei- Well id say getting run over by a semi would be that fastest. -shrugs-

2007-01-25 [DeeJay™]: or get sat on by a sumo wrestler >,>

2007-01-25 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: no that involves suffocation and crushing...takes a little longer

2007-01-25 [DeeJay™]: but it'd make for more interesting viewing :D

2007-01-25 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: of course it would...who wouldn't love seeing anyone sat on by a sumo wrestler!!!

2007-01-25 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: But'd see all the fat x.x And we don't have preschool here. So I guess not..xD

2007-01-27 [DRACE]: ... hmmm

anyhow one of my friends had a bad thing happen to his grandpa, his grandpa worked at a rock crushing place and as he was removing crushed rock from the crasher he slipped and hit the down button, his upper boddy was crused onto his ribs and well lets just say he ain't with them no more

2007-01-27 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Ouch...I know someone who had his face crushed by those big huge industrial buckets..

2007-01-28 [DRACE]: thats nothing, one of the people my dad was working with at bhp in Newcastle, found out he was going to get fired, which means he would lose his house, car and some other stuff I can't remember, anyhow he jumped into one of the buckets where the metals were being melted, now thats an ouch, my dad wasn't there at the time, which was kind good, cause the guy that was on the shift with the melted guy went for him and only pulled back a glove, that guy was all off after that day

2007-01-28 [stephy.h]: That's terrible...

2007-01-28 [DRACE]: mmm meh oh wells its not like the big bosses cared, they were the ones that leaked he was going to be fired, but he wasn't

2007-01-28 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Ouch..x.x

2007-01-29 [stephy.h]: That's even worse...

2007-01-29 [DRACE]: yer I know, but hey shit happens........... heh I'm heartless at times huh :P

2007-01-29 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: xD I can be hearltess too ^^ Yay for heartless...Haha...

2007-01-29 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: i'm the most heartless motha fucka here

2007-01-29 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: xD Have a sticker then. ^^

2007-01-29 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *gets a sticker* yes!

2007-01-29 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Lmao..Yay for stickers!

2007-01-29 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: ^_^! Woopwoop

2007-01-30 [DRACE]: O.o *takes a few steps back* you people need serious help

2007-01-30 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: maybe it's you that needs the help

2007-01-30 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: The help wouldn't help me>.>...J/k ^^

2007-02-01 [DRACE]: mmm speaking of help...:

this is a copy & paste, go off at me if you wish, I don't care

I scared my doctor tday, he found out my heart has a eregular beat lol ( I think thats how ereg is spelt ) meh anyways he said its nothing to worry about, but he did say it may be why I feel dizzy sometimes, like who cares, i don't

2007-02-01 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Wow..xD

2007-02-26 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: Alright it's official...I'm in charge til Erin gets back...and I have her support if i kick certain people off don't say stupid ass shit...i'm pretty sure you guys ain't gonna start shit with each other so i ain't even gonna bitch about that

2007-02-26 [DRACE]: hmmm

2007-02-27 [DeeJay™]: ...stupid ass shit   >.< (couldnt resist)

where's erin? o.O

2007-02-27 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: hehe...well i didn't mean like that...people on here get very distracted from what we're suppose to be talking about, which is alright as long as it's not annoying...
And Erin isn't going to have internet for a bit, I'm not sure why but I'm assuming it needs to be fixed again for her...I'll let you guys know whats up the next time she manages to contact me ^_^

2007-02-27 [DeeJay™]: ok :D

but, umm . . what are we supposed to be talking about :\

2007-02-27 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: curveyness being sexy? what did you expect on a wiki called CURVES ARE SEXY :-P

2007-02-27 [Iron-wulf]: I want to see them tits!!!

2007-02-27 [DRACE]: o.O

2007-02-27 [DeeJay™]: i think curves are sexy! <img:shadN-gif.gif>

. . can we poke fun of the guy who wants to 'see them tits!!!'?

2007-02-27 [DRACE]: lol

2007-02-27 [Ethereal Blue]: *Blinks* Oh my.. o.o;

2007-02-27 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: you can't...he's a friend of mine...but if he ever really bothers someone, then we can talk

2007-02-27 [DeeJay™]: awh!    . . pleeeeeease? :'(

2007-02-27 [Ethereal Blue]: I know! [DeeJay™] can like... Create his own little town with people and everything with legos and then crush it. >.>;;

2007-02-27 [DeeJay™]: i like ripping people to shreds =D

   . . little people, that is o.O

                . . must be under 5ft 2' O.o

2007-02-27 [Ethereal Blue]: ... *Runs and hides* Shit, that means I count... ><;

2007-02-27 [L V F]: Guys i wont be on for a while broke my ankle in three places

2007-02-27 [Ethereal Blue]: Ouch, doesn't sound very fun. Good luck with it healing in the least painful way possible. Take care, read up on some good books and kick back.

2007-02-27 [L V F]: I plan on it. if i didnt have to go up and down stairs id be on evrey day but i do so yea. sorry guys ill catch up asap

2007-02-27 [Ethereal Blue]: I'm sure we'll find a way to keep track of what goes on while you're gone so we can give you a quick over-run when you come back. Take care.

2007-02-27 [L V F]: thanks again Blessed Be

2007-02-28 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *sniff sniff* i miss Erin...

2007-02-28 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: i do too :(

2007-02-28 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: [Roosey] is co-owner again ^_^

2007-02-28 [DeeJay™]: *finds out [Ethereal Blue] is under 5'2 and hatches a master plan* muah-haa-haa-haa-haaargh! <img:hall_gif.gif>

2007-02-28 [DRACE]: wow alots happened here.......... *sits in the shadows and watchs everyone*

2007-03-01 [Ethereal Blue]: Wait, whaaaaaaaa?

2007-03-01 [Roosey]: That's short. <<; XP jk.

2007-03-01 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: be nice :-P

2007-03-01 [Ethereal Blue]: Meanies! *Sniffles*

2007-03-01 [Roosey]: Aww. <<;

2007-03-01 [DRACE]: *gives [Ethereal Blue] some stilts to make her taller then [DeeJay™]* hehe

2007-03-01 [DeeJay™]: *looks at [Ethereal Blue]'s new stilts, kicks them, catches her in a bag and steals her while no-one's lookin* <img:sutN.gif>

2007-03-01 [DRACE]: <<< seen the whole thing... on hidden cameras... meh oh wells *sits back and waves byebyes* hehe

2007-03-01 [Ethereal Blue]: Ai! Noooo! Why me? Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? *Thrashes about in the bag* Lemme goooooooooooo! ;_;

2007-03-01 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: didn't i just say something about getting off topic???

2007-03-01 [Ethereal Blue]: Yeah, and y'know what? I'm the one getting kidnapped here! ><;

Someone feel like helpin' this shortie out? >.>

2007-03-01 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: ...are you kidding me?! you're on a wiki thats all against the word you call yourself fat?! wow...

2007-03-01 [Ethereal Blue]: Better?

2007-03-01 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: indeed ^_^

2007-03-01 [Ethereal Blue]: Yey!

2007-03-01 [DeeJay™]: *runs away* o.o

2007-03-01 [Ethereal Blue]: Wait... Am I still in your bag? O.o;

2007-03-01 [DeeJay™]: *peeks into the bag* looks like it, yes

2007-03-01 [Ethereal Blue]: ... Damn.

2007-03-01 [DeeJay™]: i can let you out if you want ;_;

2007-03-02 [Ethereal Blue]: Well... As long as you don't shred me... I don't mind.

Always wanted to be kidnapped. o.o;

2007-03-02 [DeeJay™]: i wont shread you :D

   . . but i might rip your arms off. hope you dont mind <img:mood2-gif.gif>

2007-03-02 [Ethereal Blue]: Ai!
*Huggles herself* But, but, but...
;_; Then how would I play the guitar?

2007-03-02 [DeeJay™]: ummm . . with your toes? O.o

2007-03-02 [Ethereal Blue]: ... That'd be gangsta.

2007-03-02 [Eyes of the Reaper]: I know lots of people who can do that! XD It's almost hot. lmfao

2007-03-02 [Ethereal Blue]: *Blinks* Really?

2007-03-02 [DeeJay™]: o.O people can play gee-tar with their toes? O.o

2007-03-02 [Ethereal Blue]: Apparently!
Buuuuuuuut... I wouldn't be able to! All of my toes are too small! ><;;

2007-03-02 [DeeJay™]: hooow aboout . . i just pull your legs off? <img:shadN-gif.gif>

2007-03-02 [Ethereal Blue]: Meh, I never use those things for anything good.
Hell, I use them in my diobolical midget schemes to kick taller people's shins. xD

Sure, take 'em.

2007-03-02 [DeeJay™]: yaaay! im glad we could come to some sort of agreement <img:BR-GIF.gif>

2007-03-02 [Ethereal Blue]: Hahaha.

So... What exactly are you gunna do with them? O.o;

2007-03-02 [DeeJay™]: umm . . i've not thought that far ahead. i didnt think anyone'd give them up so easily :\

2007-03-02 [Ethereal Blue]: ... I should get a prize for being such a good sport, dammit.

2007-03-02 [DeeJay™]: what, you wanna badge or somethin?

2007-03-02 [Ethereal Blue]: Can you make it shiney? *Smiles innocently*

2007-03-02 [DeeJay™]: oh my gawd! some people are never happy! *hands you a shiney badge*

2007-03-02 [Ethereal Blue]: Yey! *Kisses iiiiiiiiit... And huuuuuuuuuuuuuugs iiiiiiiiiit.. And dances with iiiiiiiiiiiiiiit..* >.>;

Don't make fun of the easily amused. Next thing you know, you're their new focal point.

2007-03-02 [DeeJay™]: O.O strange child . .

anyfugginwhooo . . *starts to pull your legs off* <img:hall_gif.gif>

2007-03-02 [Ethereal Blue]: As if you're one to talk..

*Screams* Nuuuuuuuuuu! Ooooooooooow! Bad touch, baaaaaaad touch! <.<

2007-03-02 [DeeJay™]: *shrugs* but i dont care <img:mood2-gif.gif>

*chops one off with a meat-cleaver* O.O . .      . . . that was easy :D

2007-03-02 [Ethereal Blue]: 'Course you don't. -.-'

AI! *Whimpers* I feel like I should be in Saw, er something...

2007-03-02 [DeeJay™]: did someone say 'saw'? O.o
*pulls out a chainsaw*

2007-03-02 [Ethereal Blue]: Ai! Nuuuu! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!

That acutally makes me think of Texas Chainsaw Massacre, more... ><

2007-03-02 [DRACE]: *sits and watchs everyone* you people make me laugh ^-^

said the fool dressed in blue

2007-03-02 [DeeJay™]: O.O ..chainsaw massacre?  <img:BR-GIF.gif>

2007-03-02 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: that emotion thingy is creepy

2007-03-02 [DeeJay™]: <img:Br23-gif.gif> it's supposed to be

2007-03-02 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: -_-

2007-03-02 [Roosey]: o;

2007-03-03 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: 0_o

2007-03-03 [Ethereal Blue]: *Blinks* Oui..

2007-03-03 [DeeJay™]: *kills everyone with my chainsaw* wheeeeee!

2007-03-03 [DRACE]: ^(O.o)>-- --<(o.O)^ sword fighting kirbies --- (/'''')_(''''\) peek-a-boo (''''\(^_^)/'''') --- ,,l,, (<>..<>) ,,l,, --- \m/ (<>..<>) \m/ Rock On ya'll... lol

2007-03-03 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Wow..xD

2007-03-03 [ElliesMomMattsW ife]: yes wow is right..

2007-03-03 [;;Melodrama Junkie]: Lol Yep

2007-03-04 [DRACE]: ... anyways hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii everyone ( except for [DeeJay™] )*waves franticly*

2007-03-04 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: why not to [DeeJay™] too?

2007-03-04 [DRACE]: cause that boy freaks me out worse then the thought of dropping a knife and cutting my willy off >.<

2007-03-04 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: oh man, i did not need that visual -_-

2007-03-04 [DRACE]: heh you should be proud......... you have an imagimation ^-^

2007-03-04 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: unfortunately yes i do...and unfortunately people like to tell me stuff like you just did all the time...

2007-03-04 [DRACE]: lol well i could have said like this, i like seeing pigs eyes being popped out of thier heads with spoons and then eaten raw and hearing them pop :P

2007-03-04 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: yummy, but yeah don't say shit like that here

2007-03-04 [DRACE]: heh yer I know... i'll just send them to you <img:BR-GIF.gif>

2007-03-04 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: ...0_0 man that face is creepy *shivers*

2007-03-04 [DRACE]: <img:BR-GIF.gif>what face... <img:BR-GIF.gif>oh you mean this face <img:BR-GIF.gif><img:BR-GIF.gif><img:BR-GIF.gif> meh it ain't that creepy... *grins just like the face* hehe <img:BR-GIF.gif><img:BR-GIF.gif><img:BR-GIF.gif><img:BR-GIF.gif><img:BR-GIF.gif>

2007-03-04 [DRACE]: *looks at you*

2007-03-04 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: you're creepy too

2007-03-04 [DRACE]: *sighs, gives you a hug and walks away* -.-

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